Children play every day. They play with toys, friends, and imaginary worlds. Did you know that the type of play children are involved in influences who they become as adults? Play-based learning supports the development of children. As a parent or caregiver, it is important to understand why and what play-based learning activities to utilize in your child’s life.
What Is Play-Based Learning
The first step to understanding the benefits of play-based learning it knowing how to recognize the type of play. A play-based learning activity will stimulate the brain and/or senses. These activities often including problem-solving, critical thinking, socialization, and vocabulary.
For example, the children could be introduced with a situation that they need to solve with their peers. This would promote problem-solving and socialization. Another type of learning-based play would be art where the child does not have to follow any guidelines, or imaginary play with other children.
Why is Play-Based Learning Beneficial
Play-based learning encourages children to explore, experiment, discover, and solve problems in imaginative ways. Doing so, children are stretched to a higher level of thinking. They will be better able to communicate and facilitate their ideas effectively. Play-based learning often includes physical movement. Not only does this improve motor skills but also encourages a healthy lifestyle.
Ultimately, children can develop skills that will help them function into more capable adults. This includes;
- Socio-Emotional
- Self-Awareness
- Idea Generation
- Critical Thinking
- Decision Making
- Motor Skills
- And more
As parents and educators, it is important that we influence our children toward play-based learning. Visit Toys N More in Reno, Nevada for learning toys.